These Books can be viewed with a computer, E-reader, colour E-reader, tablet or smart phone

                                                      This book to helps you understand Jesus’ Victory over Death and Hell.

Have you ever wondered about what Jesus went through to reconcile humanity to God?

You might be surprised by how much the Bible tells us about that.

Stolen and Forgotten Books of the Church

This e-book is a collection of the books, important to the Church, which have been neglected, forgotten or slandered to the point that they are not in common usage. I do not insist that they be accepted with the same certainty as canonical books. These public domain files are important for the Church to better understand the Word of God and especially to understand the reasoning of the other branches of the Church who do work with these books.


RESCUING THE DAMNED: an Apocalypse of the  Mystery of Salvation

This book is a brief introduction to the concept of why it is necessary for the Church to offer the gospel to those who have died without ever making a decision about it. It is a much less technical book, using everyday examples.
FREE download in PDF format. You can easily convert this file for your e-reader using Hamstersoft free e-book converter.


These Bibles can be viewed with a computer, colour E-reader, tablet or smart phone


        Only the Word of God is powerful enough to ‘Raise Hell with Death and Sin’. Only the unadulterated Word of God can Raze the Gates of Hell. These Study Bibles, in the Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic versions of the Holy Bible are weapons in the War with Hell. The scriptures are simply highlighted in 4 categories: Hellrazing, Salvation, Blessing and Justice. The author’s notes are italicized to differentiate them from the original text.

People told me that ‘Salvation in Hell’ was not in the Bible.

I spent 2 years highlighting these texts

so that you can see for yourself where it can be found.

   The books presented are included in the canon of accepted scriptures of the main branches of the Church. The canon of the churches differ. I do not contend for the inclusion of ALL these books in the canon of all the churches. I present them because they reveal the concern that our brothers and sisters in Christ have had for the dead and damned throughout the ages of the Church.

The above file is complete but due to the size, the index only works for the Old Testament. I recommend downloading the New Testament file below so you can easily search the scriptures.


The above file is complete but due to the size, the index only works for the Old Testament. I recommend downloading the New Testament file below so you can easily search the scriptures.

click you way through this slideshow at your own speed

    The text (without highlighting)

 PDF of Brenton’s 1851 translation of the SEPTUAGINT : eng-Brenton_bookdownload


                 This is the list of scriptures highlighted in the three Bibles that relate to the topics of salvation and the Harrowing of Hell.
